Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Writing for Multimedia: Blog 1, "Who am I?"

Hello again, My name is Samantha Archer and I am currently enrolled in a journalism class titled, Writing for Multimedia. I am a sophomore at the University of Wisconsin Whitewater majoring in PR, with aspirations to become either a PR practitioner or an ad worker. I have just recently began my studies in the field of Public Relations and i am finding that it is a good fit for both my lifestyle and personality.

I am very interested in fashion, and styling and would like to somehow merge that into my studies. I would be very interested in represeting various designers or lablles, or in helping to plan and market large scale fashion events. The largest public event in the fashion industry is fashion week, and it would be a dream to someday be a part of that.

In this class I hope to learn how to not only present myself professionally on the web but in person as well. I also hope to increase my currently minimal netwroking skills and make connections with others to expand my horizons and my overall knowledge of the PR and marketing world.